SeloVerde-MG supports the monitoring and evaluation of sustainable agricultural development policies in the State of Minas Gerais. The platform estimates agricultural production and environmental suitability for rural properties registered in the Rural Environmental Registry (CAR). By integrating data from public agencies and applying advanced geospatial analyses, SeloVerde-MG aims to provide transparent traceability of agricultural production and combat illegal deforestation. Utilizing cutting-edge technology and the best available cartographic data, the platform aims to:
  • Assess the compliance of rural properties with the Forest Code.
  • Provide transparent traceability of agricultural producers, including coffee, soy, forest plantations, and sugar cane.
  • Integrate updated information and data from state and federal agencies.
  • Assist in socio-environmental compliance.
  • Identify unauthorized deforestation at the property-level.

Explore property details on the interactive map


SeloVerde MG reserves the right to cancel, change, update, suspend, or interrupt any estimate or functionality of this website at any time. This includes automated analyses of environmental balance, deforestation occurrences, and traceability, based on the availability of updated data and justified reviews of legal and methodological parameters, at the discretion of the Minas Gerais State Forestry Institute (IEF).
Due to the uncertainties and limitations of the geospatial data used, inaccuracies, errors, or omissions may occur in automatic diagnoses for rural properties. No responsibility is assumed for any damages or losses resulting from uncertainties, availability, use, or misuse of the information presented here.